Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Tribute to Krissie

Krissie was my friend. She was first and foremost John's little friend and companion for all her years. She was a devoted dog, but with a princess attitude. When the Wilson's were home and she was out of her crate, she was first at the door when I came to visit and Ruth her mistress was kind enough to let me come to visit when I needed a doggy fix. Krissie was a loyal friend who jumped up and down when we met and expressed her joy in seeing me. I took that as a personal compliment. I was Aunt Pat.

I will miss Krissie as I miss the other dogs I have owned and loved. She will be with me always when I think of dogs who were part of my life.

I was privileged to be able to paint this portrait of her as I saw her in the last several years of her life. I only knew her as a older dog and for the last eight years, but that was a nice part of her life, at least for most of it.

Krissie will be missed, as we miss all people who have been part of our lives and are no longer there. She is in doggy heaven and out of her pain. John and Ruth loved her enough to let her go and for that she will always love them.

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