Sunday, April 25, 2010

Entry in All About Art Spring Art Show

Marsh Glow at Riverbend, South Carolina

This is an acrylic painting 24 x 30, which I entered in a local art show. I was fortunate enough to be judged First Place in Mixed Media. The glow of the marsh was created by using pastel and acrylic glazing, while the trees were done in water soluble oil.
Because the painting was so big, and included a lot of things that were painted in the same manner, I did develop "Painter's Elbow" or repetitive motion syndrome. Who knew!!! All this time I thought that when I got old my legs or body would give out, but never thought about my arms. Will have to figure out another way to paint.


A Bird Painting

This is my entry for the upcoming Boulder County Senior Aging show. Yes, as you all know I am a senior. We had to submit a short writing about what the subject meant to us. So it is off to Boulder County Colorado where the birds originally live and probably still do Up in Nederland, Colorado.